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ClickSaver 3.1.7 released.
ClickSaver 3.1.6 released.
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Kimi's Anarchy Online Resources

This is a resource site for Anarchy Online, a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) you can play over the Internet.

After playing it since March 2003 I'm only playing it rarely these days. Still I've gathered some knowledge and resources in this site that I hope will be useful to you.


Roll and roll...Anarchy Online mission key

Recently (May-2015) and thanks to support from the donators, I've become motivated enough to work on ClickSaver development again after a looong break. You can download ClickSaver 3.1.0 (31-Jul-2012) and read all about my developments here.

I'm also maintaining a special edition,

packed with even more features like


and Multiple Mission Auto-Accept

Read all about ClickSaver 3.1.7 (14-Jul-2015) "Donator's Edition" here.

Rollability Facts

The Rollability Facts page helps answering the eternal questions:
"Can I roll this item with ClickSaver?" "Is it hard to roll?"

Nanocrystal Knowledge Base

NanocrystalKnowledge Base

The Nanocrystal Knowledge Base is a compendium of nanocrystal information for the 14 professions, with hands-on information on how to get them: Are they store-buyable, garden-buyable, rollable, dynacampable or questable?

Here's a list of third party tools I've used and recommend to all Rubikan citizens, including emergency download links in case the main tools' sites are down.

Have fun! :)

Javier Arpa

You can contact me ...

Recent Site News

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14-Jul-2015 - ClickSaver 3.1.7 Released
ClickSaver 3.1.7 has just been released, with support for EASY ITEM BLITZING !!!

Check all the differences between 3.1.7 and 3.1.0

14-May-2015 - ClickSaver 3.1.6 Released
ClickSaver 3.1.6 has just been released!!!
Check all the differences between 3.1.6 and 3.1.0

7-May-2015 - ClickSaver Databases Updated
I've updated the ClickSaver local databases with information extracted from the 18.7.1 patch files.
You can download yours here.

And more ClickSaver-related news!!!

28-Feb-2013 - AORC+ updated
I've patched AORC+ so it connects to the right chat server after the 26-Feb (Server Merge) patch. More info here.

3-Feb-2013 - Market Watch shutdown
I've shut down permanently the Market Watch service and bots.

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