// Anarchy Online AGENT rollable store-buyable nanos. // ClickSaver-friendly list. // From this page: http://arpa3.net/ao/nkb-ag-sb.html // Rollability questions? - Check http://arpa3.net/ao/rollability.html // Include this file in the ::ItemWatch:: section of your LastSettings.cs "(Detain Suspect)" "(Lesser Suspicious Death)" "(False Profession: Enforcer)" "(Lesser Anatomy Lesson)" "(False Profession: Martial Artist)" "(False Profession: Soldier)" "(Inject Poison)" "(Postpone Encounter)" "(False Profession: Adventurer)" "(Lesser Hold Victim)" "(False Profession: Engineer)" "(Shadow Crown)" "(False Profession: Fixer)" "(Nano Augmentation)" "(Enhanced Senses)" "(False Profession: Trader)" "(Lesser Delay Pursuers)" "(Lesser Mysterious Causes)" "(False Profession: Doctor)" "(False Profession: Bureaucrat)" "(Lesser Paralyze with Indecision)" "(False Profession: Meta-Physicist)" "(Lesser Delay the Inevitable)" "(Anatomy Lesson)" "(False Profession: Nanotechnician)" "(Hidden Killer)" "(Ruse of Taren: Phase 1)" "(Sniper's Bliss)" "(Brief Interrogation)" "(Suspicious Death)" "(Break Chains)" "(Feline Grace)" "(Delay Pursuers)" "(Dodge Pursuers)" "(Chemical Concoction)" "(Delay the Inevitable)" "(Greater Detain Suspect)" "(Inject Venom)" "(Projectile Magnet)" "(Assume Profession: Enforcer)" "(Face Graft)" "(Assume Profession: Soldier)" "(Major Nano Augmentation)" "(Assume Profession: Martial Artist)" "(Hold Victim)" "(Mysterious Causes)" "(Assume Profession: Adventurer)" "(Assume Profession: Engineer)" "(Greater Delay the Inevitable)" "(Lesser Death's Knocking)" "(Grim Circumstance)" "(Assume Profession: Fixer)" "(Ruse of Taren - Phase 2)" "(Assume Profession: Trader)" "(Paralyze with Indecision)" "(Assume Profession: Doctor)" "(Greater Anatomy Lesson)" "(Assume Profession: Bureaucrat)" "(Greater Delay Pursuers)" "(Assume Profession: Meta-Physicist)" "(Greater Suspicious Death)" "(Assume Profession: Nanotechnician)" "(Prolonged Interrogation)"