// Anarchy Online META-PHYSICIST rollable store-buyable nanos. // ClickSaver-friendly list. // From this page: http://arpa3.net/ao/nkb-mp-sb.html // Rollability questions? - Check http://arpa3.net/ao/rollability.html // Include this file in the ::ItemWatch:: section of your LastSettings.cs "(Inferior Anger Manifestation)" "(Anger Manifestation)" "(Superior Anger Manifestation)" "(Greater Anger Manifestation)" "(Shed Anger)" "(Supreme Anger Manifestation)" "(Symbol Helper)" "(Transcendent Anger Manifestation)" "(Douse Anger)" "(Internal Focus)" "(Lesser Fury Externalization)" "(Evocation of Unrestrained Ferocity)" "(Calling of Medinos)" "(Frost Slivers)" "(Inferior Fury Externalization)" "(Teachings of Material Metamorphose)" "(Teachings of Biological Metamorphose)" "(Fury Externalization)" "(Instill With Rage)" "(Teachings of Material Creation)" "(Teachings of Sensory Improvement)" "(Teachings of Time and Space)" "(Ease of Execution)" "(Superior Fury Externalization)" "(Teachings of Psychological Modification)" "(Greater Fury Externalization)" "(Quell Anger)" "(Supreme Fury Externalization)" "(Transcendent Fury Externalization)" "(Evocation of Unleashed Malice)" "(BioMet Mastery)" "(Calling of Salvinous)" "(Lesser Rage Materialization)" "(Mind Scream)" "(Inferior Rage Materialization)" "(Quench Anger)" "(SpaceTime Mastery)" "(Instill With Fury)" "(MatCrea Mastery)" "(Sense Imp Mastery)" "(Engrossing Activity)" "(PsyMod Mastery)" "(Rage Materialization)" "(Anticipation of Retaliation)" "(MatMet Mastery)" "(Superior Rage Materialization)" "(Greater Rage Materialization)" "(Stifle Rage)" "(Calling of Valentyia)" "(Evocation of Relentless Fury)" "(Notum Attunement)" "(Supreme Rage Materialization)" "(Unmake: MatMet)" "(Frigid Blast)" "(Unmake: SenseImp)" "(Unmake: SpaceTime)" "(Transcendent Rage Materialization)" "(Unmake: PsyMod)" "(Unmake: BioMet)" "(Unmake: MatCrea)" "(Instill With Terrible Anger)" "(Lesser Wrath Incarnation)" "(Rage Suppression)" "(Inferior Wrath Incarnation)" "(Evocation of Fathomless Rage)" "(Wrath Incarnation)" "(Calling of Sanoo)" "(Chant of Frenzied Blows)" "(Mind Howl)" "(Fluctuate Manifestation)" "(Coherent Notum Web)" "(Ignore External Events)" "(Superior Wrath Incarnation)" "(Advanced Symbol Manipulation)" "(Greater Wrath Incarnation)" "(Rage Abolishment)" "(Supreme Wrath Incarnation)" "(Quantum Wings)" "(Transcendent Wrath Incarnation)" "(Calling of Restite)" "(Instill With Ferocious Purpose)" "(Lesser Frenzy Embodiment)" "(Evocation of Implacable Hatred)" "(Chill Spear)" "(Rage Eradication)"